
Blog post 5

                                                 Changes to my study programme The dance career has a great history and a weight in the artistic performance of the country.   In 1941 the dancers Lola Botka and Ernst Uthoff professionalized the dance career in Chile while they were in the country. In my opinion, the career has a solidity and its training I know that this carrer  of Dance is solidity in your formation, but but I do think that which could have some changes regarding the student type design The career is created for young people, not for people have children and work, the work hours could consider maternal responsibilities and have a more flexible in your work hours, and also consider the people who work The facilities of the faculty, its facilities are precarious, the dance department is poor, sometimes we do not have toilet paper o...

Time travel to the past or future

                                             TIME TRAVEL TO THE PAST OR FUTURE If I could choose to travel in time, I would really choose to travel to the past, to two moments:  1 st I would travel when I was 13 years old when I discovered Dance, I would never have left it and I would have studied Classical technique in the municipal theater. Maybe having the power to travel through time is an opportunity to make better decisions for the future. If that were real, I would really like to do it. The second time that I would like to know is the 70s, it is a time in history that catches my attention a lot, due to the rise and development of the artistic movements of that time, which were avant-garde for the development of contemporary movements, in various areas of art, plastic arts, music, theater, dance, design, architecture, etc. It seems to me that it was an interestin...

My dream job

                                                    My dream job  My dream job is to have a cultural center in a place nature, where art and nature connect I imagine that cultural center in a natural center, maybe in Brazil I imagine have a dome radio 4 mt, in the dome all body practices and dance theater company will be develop. I also imagine in the same space having a house where arte classes are held, and a hotel-restaurant that gives me money so that art can develop. I will not have a salary, I will have an assets, I want to have a very money. Mi carrer is very important and compatible for my dream job, I need to be a professioanl dancer and dance teacher, because the university will give me the knowledge and tools to create this place and be able to manage the bureaucracy. To do my dream job I need to have properties that generate money to be able ...

The best holidays ever

                                                           My best holidays ever I don't know if it was the best trip  in my life, I have  very good trips, in my life, but this trip, was different. Before I started studying Dance, in 2021, I traveled to Cuba with a dancer friend,  David, during 10 days. I went to Habana city to do a course of Contemporary Dance, but I also knew places, beaches, food, natural places, people, in general the culture, and I had the opportunity to attend a work of the contemporary dance company at the national theater of cuba. Cuba was a good trip, because I got to know a unique form of the body of moving in the space. Cuban dancers developed their development  the unique of moving, according to their bodies, their climate, their history and also, the development of their development dan...

The country that I would like to know

                                                           EGYPT My favorite country to travel to  is Egypt I would like to travel and I know Egytpt, because since I was children I have dreams that I am in Egypt. I don´t know Egypt,I know  basic information of Egypt, as it is climate, hot and desertic, it is located north of the African continent, but, I think the most important of  Eg ypt it is history. Egypt has a lot of knowledge, is  a very old country, i t is more than 4000 years old, Egypt has many stages, v ery old times as a civilization,  with the pyramids and temples of the pharaohs,  until wars for economic and political power in the actuality. When I travel to Egypt I want to go of "Keops, Kefre, and Micerinos" pyramids, I also want to go to "Abu Simbel" temple, and the "Valley of the kings and que...

Post númer 3: A pictures thay I like

  This is the beach of Trindade, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Y very like this image, for me it means peace, body and connection with my son and nature. I am interested in it because I lived there, and the palce is very beautiful for me,  I like ! trindade is a magical place, with a lot of natural and cultural richness, it is a very special place, its nature is incredible. I liked to go to that beach on Saturdays and relax after a week of dancing. My body rested in that place, I would charge myself with energy. The story of this photo is the second trip I made with my son to Brazil, it was the second time he got to know his roots. For him it was very important to connect with nature of Trindade, Brasil

Post 3: My favorite technological device

 My favorite technological device My favorite technological device it is definitely is the notebook. For mi, the notebook es very versatile, with the notebook I can do a better job, my performance is much better The notebook allows me to work much more efficiently, With my notebook, I can order my work, save important documents in different formats, books, photographs, audio, music, etc. With my notebook I can keep important document, document for de Dance and the my life. With my notebook I can also listen to music, watch Netflix, watch movies, and I can travel with my notebook, the notebook it is small, I can to continue with my work. My notebook also has my energy. My notebook in a Lenovo brand, I like Lenovo. Lenovo computer is of good quality and have beautiful design. I like my notebook