Post two: Why did I choose my major?

Why did I choose my major?
I study dance at the University of Chile because at the age of 13 I knew that dance was my life mission, what my soul is.
When I was a Little girl, I always liked movement, I liked sports, cycling, rollerblading, running, walking in nature, moving, the dance and I also liked created and to teach.
When I was 13 years old a friend of my mother's took me to an audition at the Ballet de La Granja.
 When I entered that place and I saw those people moving in the theatre I was impressed, I was very struck by their way of being and being in the world, of expressing them selves, their way of moving, the energy of those people!. At the moment  I thought that dance would be my life, and since that moment on I never stopped dancing...
I have danced and studied in many dance groups and dance companies, I have also studied with very good dance teachers, but when I finished school my parents were divorced and I had not place to live, I needed to work, so, my father said to me: "study an artistic career that will earn you money", and I decided to study Design
I study Design in de the University of Valparaiso, the best university for Design, the Bauhaus school. I studied design for 3 years.
I liked design because I have plastic skills, but I felt that something was missing, I needed to move my body! 
So, I dropped out of school and went to live in Brazil, in Brazil y worked and studied Dance in the Dance Company "Companhia Dançante Ato", in the city of Paraty.
In the company I had a salary and I was studying dance, at that moment I decided to dedicate myself completely to dance, because I realized that I was born for the movement and the art. 
My experience in Brazil was very important for my decision.
After a few years I became a mother, returned to Chile and worked hard to have my own house,I made it, and then I got into the University of Chile, and I was able to study for free. That was also very important in my decision
My experience at the university has been great, because it was what I needed and it was what I was what I needed in my life. It wasn't difficult, because I already had a lot of knowledge and experience on stage, but  it is very  difficult because I am now a mother.
Studying dance, living in Brazil, having a child and owning a house have been the best decisions I have ever made in my life.
I am very happy to study dance ❤


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